Tag: Canon

Budget Cinema Lens Test
We recently took the opportunity to do some testing on a variety of budget cinema lens sets. Budget is of course a relative term when it comes to lenses, as some of these lenses cost close to $6,000 a piece. When compared to the price of the higher end cinema […]

Canon 18-80 First Look w/ Sony Cameras
Thanks, Canon, for bringing in one of the only three production lenses in the country! It was great to get to play around with this lens and test the functionality with the Sony cameras – i.e. the Sony PXW-FS5, Sony PXW-FS7, and Sony PMW-F55. Canon COMPACT-SERVO 18-80 observations We liked […]

October 2016 Rental Newsletter
The month of October brings new cameras, lenses and promotions. New this month, we have the Leica Telyt Long Lens System, Leica R Prime Lens Set w/ Duclos Conversion, The Cannon C500, and the Steadicam Flyer. Also, this month only, rent our Wirecast streaming system and a Sony FS5, and […]

Video: The Science Behind 4K Lenses
This whiteboard video by Canon does a good job of explaining the difference between older HD lenses and 4K lenses. Check it out: Click here to to PRE-ORDER the Canon COMPACT-SERVO 18-80mm T4.4 EF-mount lens Click the link above, call us or email us to order a Canon COMPACT-SERVO 18-80mm […]