As we have been getting up-to-speed with the latest offerings from NewTek with their TriCaster lines, we’ve been assembling a list of questions and answers for things that weren’t clear to us. Do you have any additions, suggestions, or clarifications? Please email them to sales@zsyst.com
- Is there any way to add the scopes to some of the Multiview layouts? No you would have to choose the layout that already contains scopes.
- When to use a graphics bin vs. a buffer? Use the DDR/Clip Players and Gfx bins for static / pre-loaded elements. The buffers are the only place where you can use LiveGraphics elements (if you have the Premium Access subscription). You might also use buffers for bugs, moving backgounds that are used throughout the program.
- How to share media across projects? The sessions can be template based so that it always brings in the same content despite it having a new session. You could export the preset bin, but he prefers templates.
- How to have a centralized media pool? Map a network drive or make a place on the local drives. It’s better to copy assets into a project instead of sharing a central asset repository.
- How does TriCaster function w/ NAS or SAN storage? You can use the system with a NAS. To connect to the NAS you would map the drive on the TriCaster as a network drive. You would be able to both play and record to the drive however you do need to make sure you have the network bandwidth to do this. Unless it is a refreshed unit or new TriCaster you may be limited to a 1 gig connection.
NOTE: You should not install a SAN/NAS listener client on the TriCaster. It’s best just to map a drive at the Windows OS level When setting up the mapped drive, select ‘connect with different credentials’ and ‘reconnect at login.’. - Does ProMAX Platform have any special functionality w/ TriCaster? No.
- When recording internally, how do we know it is working correctly? It will show red flags in the message center. Also, having the ‘performance tab’ open is another way to see if the system is getting overloaded (or close to being overloaded).
- What is the ‘native’ or inherent codec / compression scheme that the TriCaster uses for the DDR files? xdcamxd SpeedHQ is their proprietary codec. They also call it their ‘NDI Codec’.
- What is the proper way to clean off the media drives – from windows or somehow in the TriCaster interface? You can either delete the session or you can go in the Media Bin and delete the files.
- It seems like a common practice might be to use GFX1 for stills and GFX 2 for titles- is that true? You can do either depending on your workflow preference.
- Does each input have a chroma keyer? Yes that is correct.
- What are the recording and iso recording practical limits? The TriCaster TC-1 has two internal 2 TB SSDs that can be used for internal recording. They can record 4 streams total – 2 streams per drive. You specify that on the input config. It’s up to the operator to manage the recording destination drives. These will be saved in a named session folder on each drive. Under each one of the inputs, however, you have options to record each input (up to 4 with the base unit). With Premium Access, you can record more streams (using NDI) – 20 on TC1, 12 on an 9 input TriCaster.
- What’s the difference between streaming to a file and exporting?
- Streaming to a file can be done while the production is taking place, and uses a distribution codec which is smaller.
- Exporting takes the higher bandwidth files and transcodes the mezzanine codec to more compatible production codecs so editing apps can read the files. The recorded file is going to be huge when ‘recorded’ because it is more of a mezzanine codec.
- What’s the difference between Premium Access and Advanced Edition?
- Advanced Edition was an option for the older generation of products. All new TriCasters come with the advanced edition features, so you may see references to Advanced Edition in the UI and supporting files from time to time.
- Premium Access is the new/current enhanced feature set. All systems come with a code for 6 months of Premium Access for free, but it has to be used at the Newtek online store to get a code, then the Premium Access package has to be downloaded and installed. If the customer purchased a bundle of Premium Access and ProTek care, this six months will be added on to that amount, but it still has to be redeemed.
https://www.newtek.com/npa/ for more info.
- How can I tell if Premium Access is installed?
There are several ways to tell:- Go to message system, login Admin, admin. Look for builder, in TC-1
- Look for the Pan and Scan tab on any input in the Live UI
- Look for ‘Supplementary Audio Sources’ on any of the audio input channels.
- Go to the Admin screen and
- You will notice multiple aspect ratios available when setting up a project.
- How does the Protek premium support get registered and started?
Once the system is registered to the client, Newtek will email a document containing the ProTek Customer Agreement. Once this is countersigned, it will be returned. That contract number is what is used to get to ProTek customer support. - Please explain the software version number. For example: Build number: 7-3-2000515C means:
- 7 – system generation number (7 is the most current)
- 3 software build number
- 20 is the year
- 05 is the month
- 15 is the year
- (not sure what the ‘C’ means)
- Can you control a PTZ camera via ethernet in the input pane even if then input channel is SDI, not NDI? Answer: Yes.
- How to get the plug-ins for LiveGraphics? They are in the Premium Access download package.
- Can you use an NDI source outside of your local network? Not really. NDI is designed for local networks only. You could try a vpn, etc. or an NDI gateway products from SIENNA, Birddog, and Medialooks – they form a link over the public internet.
- What should I do about the warning ‘NVIDIA Control Panel Not Installed’? This could be a sign that you don’t have the proper NVIDIA drivers installed and should be addressed.
TriCaster uses a version of Windows called ‘long term servicing branch’ – it doesn’t do the feature updates as often. Here’s a link: https://www.computerworld.com/article/3250464/faq-windows-10-ltsb-explained.html
The newer versions of NVIDIA Windows drivers, DCH, won’t work on the version of windows on the TriCaster is using. To get this warning to go away, you should make sure you have the proper drivers installed. Go to their knowledgebase to learn more: https://support.newtek.com/hc/en-us/articles/360041324933-Updating-nVidia-drivers-Standard-vs-DCH-drivers - What should I do about the warning ‘NVIDIA Control Panel Not Installed’? This could be a sign that you don’t have the proper NVIDIA drivers installed and should be addressed.
TriCaster uses a version of Windows called ‘long term servicing branch’ – it doesn’t do the feature updates as often. Here’s a link: https://www.computerworld.com/article/3250464/faq-windows-10-ltsb-explained.html
The newer versions of NVIDIA Windows drivers, DCH, won’t work on the version of windows on the TriCaster is using. To get this warning to go away, you should make sure you have the proper drivers installed. Go to their knowledgebase to learn more: https://support.newtek.com/hc/en-us/articles/360041324933-Updating-nVidia-drivers-Standard-vs-DCH-drivers
These are the proper drivers (as of 5/28/20): https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/159420/en-us - How to manage windows updates and such? Answer: There is no way to permanently disable updates in windows. They disable the updates while you are in the Newtek live desktop. Windows update will run in the background. The best practice is to go in every so often and run them. Windows security updates typically happen the second Wednesday of every month.
- How Do You Update The TriCaster Software? https://www.newtek.com/downloads/ you can download and install or just download for installation later.
- Panasonic camera authentication – is that supported? No.
- Can you turn on Panasonic cam from TriCaster? The only way is through the web browser app built-in to the camera. You can access the Panasonic device web page from the input screen.
- When Starting a New Project, How Come the HD gets unhighlighted when I pick a frame rate other than 59.94i? Those highlighted choices are just quick ‘presets’ that default to 59.94i frame rate. Don’t worry about them not lighting up when you change things.
- What is the channel that shows up with NDI Souces? Every ndi device has a device name and a channel name, so most of the time a source will show up and default to channel 1.
- Where is the best place to go for documentation? – the pdfs will be older, but add the readme notes from each release to them.
- What is the best way to quickly review and QC recordings from within the UI? Three ways:
- Open the clip in a DDR.
- There is also the ‘Share Media Folders and Buffers’ option in the file menu. This will create shares for the standard TriCaster locations for this session, then you can access them over the network from another computer.
- You could also add your own shared in Windows at the root of the drives, if you want to have access to anywhere on the drives.15 is the year
- How can I tell if I have the Adobe CC Import Plug-in installed? – On Windows, look in ‘C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\7.0\MediaCore’ The name for the plug-in is ‘NewTek_Import_SpeedHQ.prm’
- What is the difference between Skype, Skype TX, and Microsoft Teams? It is very confusing. Microsoft purchased Skype a while back. There are really three products now:
- Skype – Is the free-to-use personal product, kind of like the free version of Zoom
- Teams – Is the (not free) ‘professional’ or ‘business version of Skype. Typically it is included with an Office 365 bundle
- Skype TX – is a special piece of software that acts as a control panel to route Skype calls specifically into broadcast hardware, such as the TriCaster. You used Skype TX on a separate computer to initiate and manage the calls and channels, and then send them to the TriCaster where they show up as inputs.